Garrido Montero Representaciones, S.L. - Grape harvest pumps

Pumps of vintage of double pistón: they can work in dry, without problems, during short periods of time

Picture of Pumps of vintage of double pistón
The pumps of double pistón horizontal that distributes Alfonso Garrido Gadea are especially indicated for trasiego of wine, mosto, vinegar, fruit juices, pulpas, sediments, liqueurs, industrial alcohols and in general clear or dense liquids with solids in suspension.

The pumps of the series Alvi are autocebantes until 8 m, has a maximum pressesure of work of 3,5 at (35 m) and can work in dry, without problems, during short periods of time. They have of a mechanism of transmission, in bathroom of oil with gears, bielas and bulones very dimensionados, threads and retenes of maximum quality, the pistones and guide of the bielas incorporate shirts of friction from automotive sector. Inwardly, the signature has designed a simple mechanism that when working collects the oil of the cárter and distributes it by bielas and pistones guides keeping a lubricación perfect still under way slow.

The body of the bomb is manufactured in bronze fosforoso with all the parts that suffer rozamiento in stainless steel. Pistones, shirts and axles of the pistones, seats of the valves, camera of air and all the hardware are of stainless steel. They allow the step of solids without causing breaks because of the wide inner capacity of the body of bomb.

It treats of machines very balanced, that do not swing when working. Although they work under way fast remain entirely static in the place.