Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction arms

Euromate Nec 2 y 4

Prolongations: for the arms vacuums

Picture of Prolongations
The prolongations Euromate Nec 2 and 4 are tubular structures very solid for a greater scope of the arms vacuums Flex and UltraFlex, with a very interesting price.

The Nec 4 is composed by the Nec 2 and a piece articulated of extension. Thanks to this second point of articulation, the Nec 4 has a degree of flexibility extremely high and, in combination with the arm aspirador Flex/UltraFlex 4, has a radius of maximum work of until 8 metres.

Both tubes are instrumented with the system HandyStop. This system allows to block the system in the place wished, facilitating the manipulation of the arm aspirador.

Like accessories for the Nec 2 and the Nec 4 presents a game of shimmer for the fixation of a team soldador.