Hach - Turbidity meters


Probe of processes: with diverse possibilities of application

Picture of Probe of processes
The probes of process of the family SOLITAX SC detect with a lot of precision the level of turbidez in means ultraclaros until very muddy, as well as the concentrations of solids in fangos activated, primary or digested. The possibilities of application of the SOLITAX SC cover therefore from the treatment of drinkable water and the waste water, until the supervision of the superficial waters and the treatment of slimes. The costly calibraciones multipunto with series of dilution replace by an only factor of correction. The wide rank of measurement of 0,001 FNU to 150 g/l makes possible an optimum solution for each application. The visualisation and the processing of the data of measurement effect by means of the controller of the type SC 100 or SC 1000. All the probes SOLITAX SC have been calibrated in factory as IN ISO 7027, ensuring his stability on a long-term basis. A factor of correction replaces the costly calibraciones multipunto that had to realise in situ. The automatic scraper warns the pollution of the window of measurement. The result creates values of measurement more stable and lower cost of maintenance.