Hach - Analytical instruments for laboratories

Hach HDQ

Portable measurers and sensors HDQ: for electrochemical parameters

Picture of Portable measurers and sensors HDQ
Hach Lange Presents the portable measurers and sensors HQD for electrochemical parameters. HQD ('High Quality Digital') involves: stable measurers, coordinated, complete, with practical accessories, solutions buffer and intelligent electrodes.

HQD Is special mainly by the electrodes Intellical, developed recently, that memorise all the most notable parameters and transmit them of digital form to the measurer, avoiding like this possible interferences. Another profit to stand out would be the possibility to use lengths of wire of until 30 m, even for pH. After the calibración the sensor can be connected to different measurers without need to repeat the calibración. The measurer recognises the sensor automatically when it connects and already is smart to be used: principle of Mix + Match.

The HQD use the innovative technology without derive of LDO, avoiding like this costly calibraciones, polarisation and replacement of electrolitos. HQD Is simple to use, with a clear and readable text on a graphic screen lit. The structure of intuitive menu is very simple for the user and ensures a handle without failures, so much for isolated measurements as for complex programmings.