Bautermic, S.A. - Surface treatment ovens

Ovens and industrial stoves: for all type of warmings and thermal sensors treatments

Picture of Ovens and industrial stoves
With the end to transform or increase the properties of some materials is necessary to have to use ovens and stoves stops: heat, dry, forge, melt, bake, transform surfaces, toughen them or soften them by means of thermal sensors treatments. They designate stoves the machines that work heating pieces until a maximum temperature of 500 °C and ovens those that work above this temperature.

These machines to his time subdividen in infinity of different types of ovens and stoves as it was the power calorífica that employ for his warming: electricity, gas, diesel, induction, microwaves, etc. Expanding even more the range in function of the type of treatment that have to realise, the characteristics of the pieces to treat, his production, etc. by which exist crowd of different types of ovens and stoves that can be: static, continuous, of forge, of fusion, of thermal sensors treatments, with manual operation or automated, instrumented with convection of air forced for uniformizar temperatures, or with atmospheres to add compound that combine with the materials treated or that protect them against the decarburación.