IFM Electronic, S.L. - Converters, adapters and other equipment for fieldbus networks

Optical fibres and amplifiers: can mount in places of difficult access

Picture of Optical fibres and amplifiers
In the applications in which there is little space for the setting of fotocélulas standard, use conductive of light, the called optical fibres.

The system of evaluation and the photoelectric elements are separated of the abertura for the entrance and exit of light of the system. In this way, the cabezales of detection of the optical fibres also can mount in places of difficult access.

They exist two models of systems of optical fibre ifm.

In the system of unisteeringal barrier, the optical fibre emisora and receptor are tended separately. Both extremes (the cabezales) are had the one in front of the another. It evaluates the interruption of the do of light according to the principle of the unisteeringal barriers. The maximum scope is of 70 centimetres.

In the system of direct reflection, the optical fibre emisora and receptor find in a revestimiento common (to exception of the type 11, in which the emisor and the do receptor are separated until the cabezal of detection). In the cabezal of detection find the do emisor and the do receptor. The scope of these sensors of ifm is of at most 70 millimetres.

According to the model of cabezal and the scope, can detect of safe form objects of a size of until 0,5 millimetres. With a precise movement of the objects can detect fine structures, as for example, steps of thread.

The optical fibres with found metallic helicoidal can use until the 290 °C and the fibres with revestimiento of metal-silicone until 150 °C.

The fibres with revestimiento of metal-silicone are resistant to a big number of aggressive chemicals.