Casella España, S.A. - Vibration sensors and meters

VM 30

Measurer of vibrations: it facilitates the protection of the exposed workers to the risks by vibrations

Picture of Measurer of vibrations

The measurer of vibrations VM30 is a versatile tool that allows to measure of simple form so many vibrations in machines like vibrations transmitted to the human body. This facilitates the protection of the exposed workers to the risks derived of the exhibition to vibrations hand-arm and whole body. The measurer VM30 incorporates three channels of independent measurement in real time with which obtain simultaneously the corresponding values to the components X, And and Z, as well as the effective value RMS. Besides, the VM30 has an interface of intuitive user that incorporates the filters of ponderación corresponding to the European rules more recent, what allows to evaluate the exhibition to the vibration of form totally direct. The measurer of vibrations model VM30 fulfils with the disposals established in the Royal decree 1311 on the Protection of the Health and the hygiene of the Workers in front of the Risks Derived of the Exhibition to Mechanical Vibrations.


- it Possesses three channels of independent measurement in real time.

- Filters of ponderación according to ISO 8041 Wh for vibrations hand-arm and Wb, Wc, Wd, Wj, Wk, Wm for vibration whole body.

- Visualisation of values RMS, RMS maximum (MTVV), dose of vibration estimated

(eVDV), total value of vibration (ahv), beak, maximum beak and factor crest.

- It can use like dosimetry of vibration because of his compact design and to the big autonomy of the batteries.

- Visualisation of acceleration and speed with selection of filters of frequency between 0.4 and 10,000 Hz

- Wide dynamic rank by means of four ranks of gain

- Memory for register of data of measurement and wire of download of data to PC.

- Transfer of data to Excel by means of macro included.

- Exit AC for external feeding.

- Extremada Ease of handle.

- Until 10 configurations of user.

- Autonomy of 20 to 30 hours with 3 batteries recargables Mignon (AA) or alcaline batteries.

- Kits Complete for measurements hand-arm and whole body that include

accelerometers and other suitable accessories.