Köttermann Spain, S.A. - Modular furniture


Lower structures laboratory: about table structures or lower base cabinets

Picture of Lower structures laboratory
Work tables are standing panels on table structures, or directly on lower cabinets of socket-height: working seated 750 mm height or work foot 900 mm - depth 600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm - straight or octagonal - shaped adjustable feet or wheels - basic and additional elements.-Height: working seated 750 mm height or working standing 900 mm - depth 600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm - straight or octagonal - shaped adjustable feet or wheels - basic and extra-height elements: working seated 750 mm height or work of foot, 900 mm - depth 600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm - straight or octagonal - shaped adjustable feet or wheels - basic and additional elements.I'm completely free internal zone, so it is ideal for laboratories with high hygiene requirements - width: structures of 600 mm - 1800 mm, other 600 mm - 1200 mm - height: working seated 750 mm height or working standing 900 mm - depth 600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm - straight or octagonal - shaped adjustable feet or wheels - basic and additional elements.