Maconse - Other fruit and vegetable processing equipment

Lines of processed of tomato: for triturarlo, concentrate it, etc

Picture of Lines of processed of tomato
His manufacturing initiates with the reception of the prime matter and beginning his selection. Like this they delete pieces no apt that condition the quality of the product.

Once that the product is in the plant of process, after his first selection proceeds to the wash, the tomatoes are washed to delete the dirt that accompanies them and reduce also the microbial load, which increases the efficiency in the sterilisation.

The wash realizar by means of immersion and aspersión in the raft with elevator.

The operation of this raft consists in the entrance to granel of the product in the raft where is wash and an elevator with neck of swan deposits it in the following machine.

The raft of of reception and wash also is instrumented with a filter with bomb that will separate the impurities that will give off of the product, leaving the clean water and filtered, for reutilizarla so much time as it was possible.

The following machine by which happens the product would be a strip of previatría, in which in addition to separating the product of the leather and rests of dirt that have not deleted in the raft of wash as, branches, stones, leaves, etc, will classify and if there is some excessively green tomato or sobremaduro, will happen to an elevator of destríos that finally will deposit it in a box palet.

Next the totally clean product will happen to a triturador that is the attendant of triturar the product to facilitate the process. When the product is triturado will go to a hopper of collected composed by a bomb of impulsión that will promote the product triturado to a cocedor tubular.

In this section of the process of manufacturing of tomato, the product circulates by a circuit of pipes formed by two coaxial shirts. By one will go the product and by another circulated water presurizada to transmit heat to the product, so that it reach the correct cooking of the product, in addition to reducing considerably the population of microorganisms.

Once finished the phase of cooking, the product is extraido of the cocedor tubular by a bomb monosanitaria that will send it to the following machine, the which designates with the name of turbopasadora. The function of said machine is the one to decompose the product, leaving it in particles so small as it wish.

When the product has gone through the turbo pasadora and is tamizado will go depositing in a previous lung to the pastaurizador, to achieve an accumulation of the product of such form that the entrance to the pastaurizador tubular realizar in continuous to take advantage of his maximum performance.

The principle of operation of the pastaurizador tubular bases in subjecting to the product to a high temperature, during a determinate period of time, what achieves to diminish the population of bacteria avoiding the degradation of some properties of the product like flavour, smell, colour, etc.

When the product is pastaurised will realizar the work of filled. To begin the phase of filled will send the product to a llenadora aseptic, that will commission to fill aseptic stock exchanges keeping the esterilidad that had applied him to the product in the process of pastaurised.

The filled does in aseptic stock exchanges for a comfortable storage and take advantage of to the maximum the campaign of production.

With the filled of the aseptic stock exchanges will finish the first phase of manufacture.

The second phase of manufacture would begin in the disk of tangential feeding, where will deposit the empty boats, to be washed later in the washing machine volteadora of boats, that will leave the smart boats to be filled. This machine gives to the boat a twist of 180 degrees at the same time that injects water presurizada in the interior of the container for his sterilisation.

Once finished the process of wash and positioning of the container, east will arrive to the dosificadora by means of a conveyor. The dosificadora will be the attendant to extract the product of the aseptic stock exchange, before stored, by means of a bomb monosanitaria that will send the product to a deposit lung that will commission to deliver it in the different valves of dosage, to deposit the exact quantity in each container.

When the containers are filled happen directly to the cerradora, that will close herméticamente the containers, with the aim to guarantee a long conservation of the product and the container. In the different types of fillers, can find groups of filled instrumented with a module of enclosed.

When the boat have been closed, would go in in the pastaurizador-enfriador, with the aim to obtain an esterilizado of the product and the container. The pastaurisation achieves to diminish the population of microorganisms by means of the elevation of the temperature during a determinate time, afterwards will produce a prolonged cooling with water to temperature acclimatise, this allows to conserve the properties organolépticas of the product in optimum conditions

The pastaurizador can go accompanied of a lung in the exit with the aim to absorb unemployments in the line of production, avoiding like this the reduction of final production.

This lung will be connected to an etiquetadora to put the corresponding label to each one of the containers and send the boats labelled to the zone of storage for his back expedition.