Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo 875

Infrared cameras: to detect the losses of power of a building

Picture of Infrared cameras

With the infrared cameras Testo the losses of power can detect and document. Even the differences of temperature smaller can detect thanks to the high thermal sensors resolution of these cameras Testo. They are very versatile for any application, the change of aims, allows to visualise details to long distances or of small objects. The integrated digital camera allows an easy identification of thermographies and his back documentation. The visualisation of the risk of condensation allows to determine in that zones could form mold in the first place.

Besides, can create reports of several thermographies, easily, with the included software.

The Testo 875 is a camera termográfica adapted by his fast, easy and direct form to inspect installations of heating, air conditioned and ventilation. The distribution of temperature in systems of heating can visualise directly and detect escapes of a glimpse. Damages in floors and walls been due to escapes of water, can be precisely located, even pipes bedded, without need to damage all the wall or floor to find them.

With the Testo 875 the analysis is an efficient method to detect failures in the construction. Thanks to the thermal sensors resolution < 110 mK, the Testo 875 allows to visualise the losses of heat, humidity and escapes air and water in buildings in shape of a thermal sensors image in colour. Incidentally, also it detects defects in the isolation and general damages in the building.

Thanks to the practical Softcase with strip of transport can carry the camera Testo during the route of inspection and displace without having a busy hand.

Thanks to the high thermal sensors resolution < 80 mK, the Testo 881 visualises with detail the defective isolation, thermal sensors bridges and errors in the construction and in general. This camera termográfica is instrumented to detect and document losses of power in windows, doors, boxes of persiana, radiators, in the roof or in the general enclosures of the building.

In thermal sensors bridges, p.And. In the corners of a room, the humidity of the environingingment can condense. This can contribute to the apparition and growth of mold, with the consistent risk for the health of his inhabitants. The cameras Testo 875 and Testo 881 provide the necessary information to avoid this risk, showing in screen a chromatic graduation that goes from the green to designate the driest zones, until the red for the zones with greater risk.