Maconse - Freidoras Industrial

Freidoras For cárnicos and vegetal: for the processed and manufacturing of products cárnicos and vegetal

Picture of Freidoras For cárnicos and vegetal
Freidoras To bake, fry and mix products like meat triturada, vegetables etc.

Composes mainly of a marmita with mechanical agitation, electrical picture with variator and potentiometer.

The process can complete planting shakers to the download of the freidoras for escurrir the oils that contains the product when going out of the same, as well as, the bancadas and necessary platforms to prepare and control the product during the manufacturing and also, have access to the cleaning of the machines.

Other elements of the machine:

• Valves of hygiene in shirt of steam.

• Desaireador In shirt of steam.

• Temperature PT-100 control of the product.

• Purgador Of steam.

• It covers mobile with hinge for entrance of product and hygiene of the operarios with final of career for

inactivar the agitador.

• It covers mobile for protection product in opposite side.

• Tray of collected escapes oil of reductora with orifice of download .