Tama Ibérica, S.L. - Cartridge filters


Filters of cylindrical cartridges: ideal for the leak of fine dry dusts and impalpables

Picture of Filters of cylindrical cartridges
The eliminador of cylindrical dust, instrumented with the system of cleaning of the filters of air compressesed by retrolavado Presses-Jet and with a degree of leak that reaches 99,9%, is ideal for the leak of fine dry dusts and impalpables. The cylindrical execution allows his use half and high pressesures and is ideal in situations of work very demanded. This series can instrument with a battery filtrante of cartridges or sleeves in accordance with the application. On request it delivers with a rugosidad superficial of until 0,8 µm and with components certified FDA. Distinct versions complete this range designed for the leak of explosive dusts and hybrid mixes, for all the industrial states, manufactured with Faith360 painted or Aisi 304-316.All the units filtrantes Tama answer to the directive 98/37/CE and can complement with systems of protection in compliance with the managerial Atex 94/9/CE.