Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Self cleaning filters


Filters autolimpiantes: for the production of plastic

Picture of Filters autolimpiantes
Leak of drinkable water for the wash and cleared of plastic extruido.

The chemical composition of the water in the tanks of storage contains particles of plastic that obstruct the system of cleaning with the step of the time.

With the use of the filters (so much static or the autolimpiantes) of Eurospray achieves a lower consumption of water, and less waste of tubes of PVC and like this attains a greater productivity.

The filters autolimpiantes use successfully in companies that manufacture the prime matter (shavings and granulated).

The big quantities of water used for the treatment of the granulated (for the transport and for any stage of the process) recycles constantly and filters through the filters autolimpiantes of Eurospray to guarantee the replacement of the cool water and the good quality of the production of granular products in the exit.