Mabeconta, S.L. - Self cleaning filters

Mahle Ako

Filter autolimpiante simple: they guarantee the quality of the water of process in all the instructions for use

Picture of Filter autolimpiante simple
The industrial processes have to be safe and respectful with the environingingment. Thus, an economic leak and ecologically useful of waste water and waters of process is an important component of the industrial process.

The filters Mahle Ako, distributed in Spain by Mabeconta, guarantee the quality required of the water of process in all the instructions for use. These filters also are valid for water of refrigeration or water of service. They are besides a correct solution for waste water, fluvial waters, superficial waters or marine waters. During the process of autolimpieza does not interrupt the normal process of filtered.

The half that goes to filter flows by the connection of entrance (1) to the carcasa of the filter and to the element filtrante (2) opened by down. This is composed by a cylindrical basic body, by means of which is tightened the cylinder of fabric plisado with the finura of filter specified. By out, a cylinder of sheet drilled bears the cylinder of fabric. The element filtrante is crossed by the current from inside to out, accumulating the particles of dirt in the inner side of the fabric of the filter. The half debugged goes out by the connection of exit (3) out of the carcasa of the filter. When increasing the dirt in the fabric of the filter, increases the difference between the pressesure of entrance (dirty side) and the pressesure of exit (clean side). This measures by means of transmitters of pressesure in the entrance and exit and provides to the unit of control of the filter. The module SPS there installed active automatically the enjuague in contracorriente to a difference of pressesure or interval of determinate times.