Iberclean, S.A. - Welding fume extraction systems

Euromate SFD

Filter and aspiración: for smokes of welding estacionario

Picture of Filter and aspiración
The filter for smokes of welding model SFD of Euromate, company represented by Iberclean, S.A., is a mechanical filter estacionario. It is instrumented with the DuraFilter of 50 m2, desechable only, with treatment SurfacePlus that provides to the filter SFD a big technical advantage.

It is the most ideal filter until a determinate annual use of until 700 kg solid thread, until 500 kg of thread fill up, until 500 kg of electrodes with base of rutile and until 500 kg of basic electrodes, and TIG without limit.

It has of bell of aspiración RotaHood with standard regulatory valve. The performance of the filter SFD is of until 99,8%, has a device apagachispas of aluminium, indicator of dirt of the filter and apt connection for all the installations of aspiración with FAN 28. The total weight of the filter is of 30 kg.