Hosokawa Solids, S.L. - Storage silo supplies

solids system-technik

Feeding of mezcladores: from silos, Big-Bags and sacks

Picture of Feeding of mezcladores
The automatic feeding of mezcladores of Solid System-Technik realises from silos, Big-Bags and sacks.

Adapted for the storage of majority components in silos and the reception of the same from trucks cisterna. For the download of Big-Bags, of sacks of minoritary components and the dosage of majority and minoritary components with precision of grams.

For the pneumatics transport by empty by means of independent pipes to hoppers dosing machines with disposal in shape crashes and for the dosage with big precision and the download without waste to a mezclador from a hopper. Also they allow the automation of all the process and the control of this by means of Scada.

His main advantages are the big precision in the heavy (±2 g), does not contaminate, offers the compact disposal and is expandable until 9 elements.