Sterling Fluid Systems Spain, S.A. - Ejectors

Serie GOV, GPV

Eyectores Of gas: for pumps of empty of liquid ring of two stages

Picture of Eyectores Of gas
The eyectores of gas of the series GOV/GPV for pumps of liquid ring of two stages, are simple and robust eyectores of gas of empty with the following particular characteristics: adaptable to different conditions of work with the selection of material suitable, simple installation in the pipe of aspiración of the pumps of empty of liquid ring and service little noisy, do not require maintenance and without vibrations.

The eyectores of gas expand the characteristics of operation of the pumps of empty of liquid ring so that they can achieve absolute pressesures lower (until 4 mbar). The fields of application are the chemicals and pharmacy (distillation and desgasificación), electrical industry (imprimación and dried), industry of the plastic (desgasificación) etc. The gases that can pump are saturated or aggressive sequipment.

Between his technical characteristics:

Discharge of aspiración: until 400 m³/h

Pressesure of aspiración: 4 to 80 mbar