Ventus Ciencia Experimental, S.L. - Otros equipos y sistemas para energía eólica

Ref. 13753

Equipment of integration of alternative energies: with this equipment study the photovoltaic energies, wind and of battery of fuel

Picture of Equipment of integration of alternative energies
With this equipment study the photovoltaic energies, wind and of battery of fuel of independent way and also his integration of way combined showing all the chain of conversion of power. They include some foci to simulate the power of Sol and a fan to simulate the wind power, of such form that all the experiments can realise in the interior of the classroom. By means of the use of the solar and wind power will be able to generate hydrogen that will be stored to use in moments of big energetic demand. The student will learn to realise the dimensionado of these three types of power. The USB Dates monitor together with the included software allows the taking of data automated through PC, program like electronic load to generate characteristic curves of manual form or automated, simulate different meteorological profiles, etc.

Some of the experiments to realise are: characteristic Curve of a photovoltaic signpost; Variation of the number of shovels and angle of attack in an wind generator; characteristic Curve of an wind generator; characteristic Curve of an electrolizador; Performance of an electrolizador; characteristic Curve of a battery of fuel; energetic Performance of a battery of fuel; Obtaining of hydrogen from renewable energies; optimum Dimensioning of sources of alternative energies combined; Configuration of an isolated system with the use of the three energies; Simulation by means of software of different meteorological profiles and of load.

Components: Stack of battery of removable fuel with 5 cells, Electrolizador (2x), Accumulators of gases (4x), wind Generator, solar Module (2x), Load (light bulbs), USB Dates monitor with electronic load, Photometer, Anemometer, Focus simulator of solar light, Fan simulator of wind, Cables of connection, Water distilled, metallic basic Plate, Software of study, measurement, visualisation and simulation, Manual of use and experiments with fichas of work for the student and solutions for the professor, Case of storage.