Lleal, S.A.U. - Smoothers


Emulsionador Of triple stage: for the emulsion of sensitive products to the shearing

Picture of Emulsionador Of triple stage
These sensors measure the distance between the sensor and the object over time of measurement of the route of the light. For this reason, the colour, the form and the characteristics of the surface of the object practically do not have influence on the measurement. Still the dark objects can be recognised of reliable form on brilliant bottoms. If the object reaches the point of measurement adjusted, the switch lights . A big variety of works is reached by these sensors, which recognise objects to big distances.


Recognition of objects to big distances

Detection of position for vehicles carriers in factories

Control of enclosed circuits

Control of levels of filled

Detection of position for high electrical carriers

Messages of full shelf for systems of rack automated

Recognition of edges

Conteo of Monitory

objects of aberturas

Monitory of breaks and perforaciones

Recognition of parts extremely small


The point is easily visible, still to big distances, allowing easy adjust and initial start. The do of light extremely fine ensures a diameter of small light, what means that they can recognise even parts very small.

Sensors of traffic of time

The sensors work directly on the object. The switches commutate to the distance memorised. The way Teach-In works to the presionar a button or through a signal of control.

You adjust

you adjust Them they are realised to the presionar a button or to través delmenú that appears in the display or externamente through laInterfaz RS-232. The software of configuration wenglor with funcionesgráficas caters

an adjust simple and fast.


The new display SMELL guarantees the adjust simple of these sensors. The values of measurement are immediately read.

Class Laser

The sensors with class 1 possess a power of laser smaller according to rule IN 60825-1 and do the signals of unnecessary warning. Because of his power of light higher the sensors laser class 2 reach better specifications.