Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Metal detectors

Ceia TE Slim Line

Electronic detector of metals: his compact size allows the installation in spaces reduced

Picture of Electronic detector of metals
The electronic detector of metals model YOU Slim Line of the mark Ceia belongs to the family of detectors of metals microsensibles of bar. These devices are the half but ideal for the protection of the lines of production against accidental damages because of metallic parts that they can come with the material during the process of manufacturing. It indicates the presence of fragments of magnetic metals and no magnetic so much in the outside as in the interior of the product, causing the stop of the machine. The sensitivity can regulate digitally in function of the dimensions of the metallic parts that wish intercept. Besides, a special function of memorisation of the detections checks the step of several consecutive fragments. The digital analysis of the signals allows to optimise the detection in function of the speed of slide of the product and of the metals that wishes intercept; of this way achieves the greater immunity against possible external interferences. The speed of interception is programmable of 3 to 200 m/min. The intervention is instantaneous, with possibility to memorise several alarms. The detector of electronic metals includes optical signaling of the alarm and incorporates autodiagnóstico, as well as digital programming with alphanumeric visual representation.

The device applies in textile, papeleras, chemical and alimentary. His temperature of operation is of -10/+55 °C and the temperature of storage, is of -40/+85 °C.