Tork - Towel and tissue dispensers

Tork Reflex Portable

Dispensers of paper: it reduces the consumption of paper until 37%

Picture of Dispensers of paper
Tork Presents Reflex Portable, the first portable dispenser that solves the problem of the uncontrolled use of paper, in fact reduces it in 37%, what promotes the responsible consumption. It treats of the ideal solution to keep the spaces of attention to the clean and orderly public. The utilisation of Reflex Portable results ideal for the care of the environingingment but also for the saving of costs.

It treats of a practical system with central extraction equipment equipment leaf to leaf, what comports a cost of utilisation very reduced. Besides, like the rolls of paper are protected by the container of plastic avoids that they can wet, damage or contaminate, what improves the good image that already, of by yes, have the products of the Swedish mark.

The dispenser Reflex Portable results perfect for the cleaning of tables and dried of surfaces in spaces of the sector horeca, hospitals, education and industry. It is compatible with the standard coils Réflex, what reduces the costs and the excessive consumption at the same time that facilitates the use and improvement so much the perception of the consumers like the levels of hygiene.

His design is light and compact, what facilitates his storage in any space. Besides, it possesses a roast so that his handle was more comfortable. When it works in constant movement, of a side to another, results ideal to hang it in the carritos of cleaning that use usually.