Endress y Hauser, S.A. - Turbidity meters

Endress+Hauser Turbimax CUS51D

Digital sensors: for turbidez and solids suspended

Picture of Digital sensors

Universal sensor for the measurement of turbidez and solids in suspension in waters and waste water.

Turbimax CUS51D, thanks to his method of measure, offers an only solution for the measure of turbidez in plants of waste treatment water with measures of solids to the entrance of the plant, raft of aeration and treatment of muds, as well as measure of turbidez to the exit of the plant.

CUS51D measures according to the procedure of light dispersed. It has willing detectors in angles of 90º and 135º, selectable in function of the type of application. No longer it is necessary the use of different sensors for the different types of application, allowing measure so many low ranks like high ranks of turbidez and solids.

This technology allows:

  • A procedure of measurement standardised.
  • A reliable measurement.
  • One very high stability on a long-term basis.
  • A sensor for all the applications.

And with all the advantages of the technology Memosens:

  • Without metallic contacts between sensor and transmitter.
  • Maximum hygiene through the transmission inductiva digital between sensor and transmitter.
  • The sensor saves data of calibration and process.
  • Predictive maintenance thanks to the data registered in the sensor.

Do click in the link for more information on the complete range of sensors of turbidez.