Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Metal detectors


Detector of metals for fabric: it detects contaminantes metallic that find of accidental form in pieces made

Picture of Detector of metals for fabric
The detector of metals model THS/MN is a device for the detection of contaminantes metallic that find of accidental form in pieces made. Of this form satisfy the exigencias more strict in the control of quality.

The detector of metals THS/MN has projected for the inspection of pieces made, with or without metallic closing no magnetic (zips, buttons, ....), where is necessary to intercept needles and other small points contaminantes.

The electronic head office programs locally through a keyboard of 80 alphanumeric characters, allowing control from an external PC, through interface serial RS232 standard, or connected in a local computer network through RS485

The software of gestión THS Report (optional) supplies the statistical data of the interventions effected, periodic tests and variations of parameters, according to specifications of the norm ISO 9001