Pierre Guerin Ibérica, S.A.U. - Deposits


Deposits of formulation: pharmaceutical, liquid and Pasty products

Picture of Deposits of formulation
Pierre Guérin produces formulation BioVessel deposits that are designed especially for the formulation of pharmaceutical liquid and Pasty products.

Characteristics of the formulation BioVessel deposits are:-design and manufacturing that meets the highest quality requirements (finished until Ra 0.20 µm, domain of the rates of ferrite) and the recommendations of the ASME BP - 180,000 hours of industrial resources (boiler) - capacity of 1,000 tanks a year from some liter to 40,000 l and more - wide selection of agitators that cover all mixing operations - monitoring and control of production according to the program of Control of quality Pierre Guérin, with traceability of all materials in contact with the product, specification of welding, drainage and cleaning tests - project quality Plan, control and testing report, Protocol for receiving factory (FAT) and associated documentation, which supports the activities of qualification.