Pierre Guerin Ibérica, S.A.U. - Other cooking equipment


Cookers traditional blenders: for the preparation and cooking of sauces, pre-cooked dishes, desserts with or without markers, jams, compotes..

Picture of Cookers traditional blenders
The cookers blenders CCV cilindrico-conica form are particularly suitable for the preparation of sauces, pre-cooked dishes, pastries, jams, compotes and fruit on sugar mix, etc.

Forced circuits designed for heating steam you get optimized times of rise in temperature.

These cookers are designed to work at atmospheric pressure, but also under vacuum or under pressure.

Depending on the application, the traditional cookers boast an agitation type ancora scraper to make the smoothie or a coaxial ancora scraper / Helix HTPG4, to obtain a perfect homogeneity of the product and the temperature during the phases of heating, cooking and refrigeration.

They can also be equipped with shear movement to carry out dispersion of texturing.

In the case of products especially viscous and fragile, deposits mixers CCV can count on propellers HTPG4 and coil in wall EOLE5 with scrapers, which allow to minimize the effects of hoard.

These cookers can be cleaned completely in situ.