Eppendorf Ibérica, S.L.U. - Other laboratory equipment

Concentrator Plus

Concentrator plus: it optimises the process of concentration

Picture of Concentrator plus
The new Concentrator Plus of Eppendorf is available with two configurations:

The complete system with bomb of empty integrated cheese cheese free of maintenance.

The basic team of Concentrator, to the cual can connect a bomb of empty existent.

If it wishes , the Concentrator can instrument later anytime until turning into a complete system. The automatic control of the feeding of current to the bomb of empty external realises by means of an adapter of wire of network in the backside of the Concentrator.

By means of the technology of heating of the Concentrator makes possible a process of concentration optimised. Independently of the configuration by which decide , you can trust a concentration in empty fast and effective – and at the same time protective – of his samples (e.g. DNA/RNA, proteins).

The complete system contains a separador of condensation, which cleans the air of exit until 85% and in this way protects him of unpleasant sequipment. At the same time an automatic casting of condensation prolongs the useful life of all the components that go in in contact with the sequipment.