Mosnic-Irudex, S.L. - Self cleaning filters

Mosnic - Irudex Filcon RDF

Combined filters: for processing of long, very long or thick chips

Picture of Combined filters
Filter for processing of thick, long or very long chips and with a tendency to form balls.

It is capable of processing a more aggressive chip that with another type of equipment would cause various problems such as e.g. mesh breaks or problems emptying chip well-suited for multi operation machine, allows to get 30-50 micron filtration degrees to 90%.

It is a combined infeed conveyor and taped drum filter evacuadora by means of scrapers.

Long and thick chips are evacuated through the infeed conveyor. The rest, the finest, are processed by the filter drum and tape scrapers.

Long and curly chips are processed.

Infeed conveyor allows us to process also curly chips.

Possibility to process imantable chip like no imantable adding at the bottom of the filter bed or bottom of magnets improve the performance of the team in terms of processing of imantables metallic particles.

Options: filter element / specifications all stainless (protection against oxidation). With magnetic plate.

Models available with magnetic plate at the base of the filter drum. For the processing of magnetic particles, we recommend this option.