Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Colorimetry equipment


Colorimeter: the device uses to obtain answer on the solidez of the dyeings on fabrics, etc

Picture of Colorimeter
Multi-fastest Is a system for the fast control of the solidez of the colours on fabrics and similar. The analytical machine of the signature Tecnorama, represented by Sumalla S.L., it obtains answer quickly on the solidez of the dyeings on fabrics, hilados, knitted of point, hit, resinados, etc. The specific software installed in the PC of the system foresees the possibility to create programs of personalised work to effect analytical essays in very little time. Can use to realise numerous proofs of solidez of distinct nature in the laboratory of the same tintorería, or by part of the same users of the textile matters tintadas that want to verify the characteristics of the solidez of the textile matters before proceeding to his cutting and manufacturing. Multi-fastest Allows besides realise a previous control on the material in crude, before the dyeing, to verify the presence of enzymes or similar hurtful for the same dyeing. Likewise, it realises proofs and controls on samples of fabric tintado and, later, collected with synthetic resins or other chemical products that they could have altered the solidez of dyeing or realise the test of the solidez on products resinados, hit and/or congealed. Of equal way, Multi-fastest is conceived to proceed with rapidity during the execution, in automatic of numerous essays, specifically, those more important and qualified, so much in dry as in humid, demanded by the rule on solidez of the dyeings of textile materials.