Endress y Hauser, S.A. - Ultrasonic flow meters

Endress+Hauser Prosonic Flow B200

Caudalímetros Ultrasonic for biogás: reliable measurement in conditions cambiantes

Picture of Caudalímetros Ultrasonic for biogás

Caudalímetro Ultrasonic specific for the measure of volumetric or mass discharge (optional) biogás. It guarantees a reliable measure of discharge in conditions of high humidity, low pressesure of process and changes of temperature. It incorporates optionally the measure of the concentration of methane in the biogás.

Main advantages:

  • Easy monitoring of the process and energetic balance.
  • Usual applications: discharge of exit of biogás in digester in EDAR, discharge of biogás in plant of treatment of urban solids, etc.
  • simple energetic Balance and transparent:
    • direct Measurement of the content of methane (CH4) in the pipe
    • Calculation of additional characteristic values (value calorífico or index Wobbe)

Do click in the link for more information on the caudalímetros ultrasonic Prosonic Flow B200.

Video of caudalímetros ultrasonic: see video.