Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction cabinets

System 25

Cabins of aspiración: for control of broadcasts

Picture of Cabins of aspiración

The range of cabins SYSTEM 25 can supply with manguitos/brida

of different measures for connection to the system of aspiración/ventilation.

The setting of the manguitos/brida in the Types 1 and 2 is optional. The cabin Type 3 supplies standard with a connector of 75 mm of diameter, although low request, this can be of 50 mm. The manguitos of connection are available

in 6 different diameters and are manufactured in polipropileno of white or

red colour. In the standard cabins, the connectors are fixed by means of screws in the back face of the cabin. Nevertheless and low request, can vary the position of this connection.

The utilisation of cabins of work allows to control the broadcast of processes contaminantes and avoids his propagation to the rest of the place of work. It is an efficient method to achieve a clean labour environingingment and free of polución. The range of cabins System 25 is manufactured by means of polietilentereftalato (PETG) and aluminium. PETG Is a plastic material very resistant to impacts and attacks at the same time

that possesses a big transparency. The cabins are easily limpiables and resistant to the majority The range SYSTEM 25 is of big utility in works with

weighings and filled of containers with product in dust, chemical mixes, dried, small polishings, operations of measure and analysis, works with dissolvent, control of smells and broadcasts, etc.

The cabins of work are used in crowd of works and sectors as they can be hospitals, laboratories of analysis, control of quality, dental works, etc., of products and solutions of available cleaning.

The range System 25 offers 3 types of cabins in several measures and designs. The cabins type 1 are instrumented with a cover termoconformada

of PETG with a frontal signpost of glass of hygiene that allows an excellent vision on the inner zone of work. The cabins type 2 are of PETG termoconformado and possess a frontal finder of glass of hygiene that allows a good vision on the inner zone of work. The cabins type 3 are also instrumented with an upper cover of PETG transparent. The sides are of steel with finishing of painting to the oven.