Maquinaria para Bodegas, S.L. (MPB) - Grape harvest pumps

MPB BV 25 / 50 / 75

Bomb of vintage: with body of smelting in stainless steel

Picture of Bomb of vintage
The big step of admission allows to work perfectly so much whole vintage like vintage squeezed or vintage despalillada.

The accionamiento vertical of the pistón ensures a minimum of wears and the lower injury on the vintage.

It has conjoint of stainless shirt, pistón and biela with possibility of exchange by fixation of screw reductor of speed by mesh treaties, creame on threads, all this in bathroom of oil, being all the totally silent group.

The possibilities of impulsión are more in function of the power of the engine that of the limitations of the bomb. Optionally it fits the possibility of the taking of degree from the own bomb.

They exist several models:

BV25: With a performance of 25/30.000 kg/h and a power that oscillates between 5,5 and 7,5 CV has pipe recommended of 100/125 mm. His dimensions are 1.200 x 700 x 1.350 mm.

BV50: With a performance of 50/60.000 kg/h and a power that oscillates between 10 and 12,5 CV has pipe recommended of 125/150 mm. His dimensions are 1.320 x 750 x 1.450 mm.

BV75: With a performance of 75/80.000 kg/h and a power that oscillates between15 and 20 CV has pipe recommended of 150 mm. His dimensions are 1.320 x 800 x 1.500 mm.