Berkomat, S.L.U. - Other seals


Boards without contact of labyrinth: without friction neither rectified of the axis

Picture of Boards without contact of labyrinth

Berkomat S.L. It distributes the boards of labyrinth without contact designed by GMN. These boards are of reduced dimensions and allow wide tolerances in the execution of axis and accommodation, without need of friction neither rectified of the axis. With new widths of 4 and 6,5 mm.

They exist two types of boards: metallic or of plastic.

Each one of these two types has his specific applications. In the first case admit temperatures very high whereas in the second, resist to the majority of the chemical agents.

In any one of the cases, achieves an obturación no rozante (without wear neither generation of heat) that allows to the axis reach speeds very high.

The metallic boards have the inner ring of steel and the outside of aluminium and bear temperatures until 170 °C, allowing besides speeds practically boundless. His main applications are in machine-tool, equipment of essay, machines packaging, textile machinery or motors.

They exist besides two types of metallic boards:

- of type L, that protect against the pollution by solid particles of thick or fine size, as well as by light salpicaduras.

- Type M, with the protection of the previous case and with the mechanised of some notches that facilitate the drainage in case of strong salpicaduras of liquids.

The boards of plastic by his part are manufactured in material Delrin 100 and are resistant to the majority of the chemical agents, bacteriological and funguses. These boards are ideal for applications in the alimentary industry and bear temperatures from -40 until 60 °C.

They manufacture three types of boards of plastic:

- type S in standard execution, for light salpicaduras and solid pollution.

– Type Sa, in execution with notch of drainage, for strong salpicaduras and solid pollution, with rotation of the inner ring.

- Type If, also in execution with notch of drainage, for strong salpicaduras and solid pollution. With rotation of the external ring.