G.i.k.c, S.A. - Comdiflex - Flat seals

Kempchen Linea Pipin

Boards of entanqueidad of cardboard: diverse sizes

Picture of Boards of entanqueidad of cardboard
The flat boards (To1) no metallic can be manufactured in diverse materials: boards of free fibre of amianto with bonding agents organic or elastoméricos, of aramida, of rubber, etcetera, existing an enormous variety of materials that could use.

Depending of the commercial format of the materials, for sizes that exceed said format the boards build in sectors.

Like general rule, will choose preferably together thin instead of thick boards (of more thickness), since the thin boards require a superficial finishing finer that the thick. The usual thickness of the boards is of 1.5, 2 and 3 mm.

The correct election of the material of board to employ will have to be effected according to the conditions of service of the installation. Generally, this type of boards are used to employ in general services or in lines of piping whose exigencias of pressesure and/or temperature are not elevated. For cycles of temperature and/or pressesure or demanding services, is advisable to employ another type of boards.