RC Microelectrónica, S.L. - Electronic batteries

Batteries with technology Lead Crystal: based in lead

Picture of Batteries with technology Lead Crystal
RC Microelectrónica Presents the batteries of technology Lead Crystal; this technology is based in lead and shares some characteristics with the traditional batteries VRLA, although it incorporates interesting improvements.

The batteries Lead-Crystal are composed by plates of lead and a liquid acid SiO2 like electrolito that substitutes to the sulphurous acid of the battery of traditional sour lead. During the first loads, the electrolito reacts with the plates of lead forming with them a crystalline and compact structure, from here his name. It is a no toxic technology, that facilitates the exchange of ions and avoids the loss of humidity, the sulfatación of the plates and the loss of materials.

It is a hermetical battery, that does not require maintenance. It is not classified like dangerous and is not explosive. It causes a reaction combined that prevents the escape of hydrogen and oxygen and there is not spill, by what can mount in any position except face down.

The cycles of load and download of a battery Lead-Crystal are many more compared with a battery of sour lead or gel, which allow between 300 and 400 cycles, whereas the Lead-Crystal allows between 2000 and 3100 cycles. This multiplies his life and can arrive to use until 18 or 20 years, reducing the need of maintenances programmed to change the batteries.

Another characteristic improved of the Lead-Crystal is his ratio of autodescarga, extremely low, by what allows his storage without use until 2 years, yet still would be to 80% of his nominal capacity. In any case to this level of download can load without problems.

Again the need of maintenances by recargas periodic during prolonged storages reduces .

The batteries of Lead-Crystal work between –40º and +65º C keeping in both extremes 85% of his nominal capacity in Ah. This property is much better that in the traditional batteries of lead, overcoat to low temperatures.

Intrinsic of his technology glass is not containing liquids neither produce gases of any type by what a battery Lead-Crystal is tight. Neither it is corrosiva, by this does not have any limitation to the hour to transport it not even by plane. This property reduces the costs and time of transport, as well as of homologation for new projects.

In comparison to a battery of conventional lead and thanks to his chemical composition individual has besides the following advantages:

- Better properties of load and download thanks to his capacity to absorb a greater quantity of current in less time. This reduces the times of load 20%.

- Upper capacity of the storage of power.

- Possibility to download 100% of his nominal capacity without damaging the battery. Can go back to load again until 100% of his nominal capacity (in alone two cycles of load and download).

-His use is ideal so much for applications estacionarias like cíclicas, covering the needs of the distinct markets indústriales, solar, wind power, etc.

These batteries have a guarantee of 2 years.