Maconse - Industrial autoclaves

Autoclaves sterilizers: static, Rotary and tilting

Picture of Autoclaves sterilizers
Sanitizes all types of sheet metal, glass and plastic containers. This process is used for all types of foods such as: • canned fish and seafood • canned vegetables pickles • • products such as salads, rice also there is the possibility of using the autoclave-esterilizador in industrial processes with non-food products requiring treatment in inert atmosphere in its manufacturing process.

The operation starts in a direct injection of steam in conjunction with a continuous recirculation of water and the necessary application of overpressure of air.

The autoclave has a minimal amount of process water (which is located at the bottom of the autoclave) which is continuously recycling through the sprinklers installed on the entire length of the hull of the autoclave. Using this system the mixture of steam, water and air is obtained correctly. The autoclave has sprinklers located in such a way that it allows to achieve an optimum temperature distribution throughout its interior. Two steam collectors are positioned below the water level, by injecting steam into the entire length of the autoclave.

Also equipped with a plate for cooling heat exchanger. Only during the phase of the process recirculated water passes on one side of the exchanger, while cooling water is going through the other side.

Sterile containers are never in direct contact with external cooling water. As a secondary benefit, the closed-circuit cooling not affect ever closures of containers. The water level within autoclavea it is continuously controlled to maintain an optimum level of water above the collectors of steam injection.

Excessive air pressure can be applied during the entire process. It can be programmed in accordance with the process required and controlled by means of modulating valves for inlet and outlet of compressed air.