Endress y Hauser, S.A. - Instruments and accessories for analysis of water

Endress+Hauser ISEmax CAS40D

Analysers in continuous ISE: for the measure of ammonium and nitrate

Picture of Analysers in continuous ISE

The system of measurement of selective ion ISEmax CAS40D uses to measure quickly and in continuous ammonium, nitrate, potassium and chloride in plants of waste treatment water. An only sensor, installed directly in the process, allows to measure several parameters simultaneously.

This sensor is widely used for measure of ammonium and nitrates in rafts of aeration or in the exit of the preclarificador. Has besides a wide rank of measure (until 1.000 ppm), and optionally has system of automatic cleaning.

ISEmax Offers a time of fast answer, high reliability and a really low maintenance. These advantages allow a control of the fast process and sure, optimising the costs of production, maintenance and exploitation.

And with all the advantages of the technology Memosens:

  • Without metallic contacts between sensor and transmitter.
  • Maximum hygiene through the transmission inductiva digital between sensor and transmitter.
  • The sensor saves data of calibration and process.
  • Predictive maintenance thanks to the data registered in the sensor.

Do click in the link for more information on the analyser ISEmax CAS40D.