Torres y Ribelles, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Torres y Ribelles, S.A.
Virgen de La Esperanza, 3
41700 Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑955679010  
🖷:  +34‑955679047
Oils of olive and seeds and vinegar production

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Torres y Ribelles, S.A.

Torres and Ribelles was founded in 1914 after the acquisition of a former factory in Seville. It was initially in the mid-nineteenth century in the old town of the city and in the vicinity of the Real Maestranza de Caballería.
In mid-1997, we decided to implement the ISO-9001 standard in our company.
In mid-1997, we decided to implement the ISO-9001 standard in our company.
In mid-1997, we decided to implement the ISO-9001 standard in our company. in 1997, we decided to implement the ISO-9001 standard in our company. This standard is not compulsory, however brings improvements in the management of the company both in the administrative area, as in the production. In September 1998 we got AENOR and IQNET certifications as well as afterwards we got the international entity of Lloyd's Register certification, this same standard. We understand that these certifications help us to pass on to our customers the commitment of the company with the quality as well as the guarantee of compliance with comprehensive controls and inspections we carry out every day.
On the other hand, Torres Ribelles is member of ASOLIVA (Association Spanish exporters of olive oil), established in September 1977, though it already existed under different names from 1928.ima to join us in this dynamic of continuous improvement that ensures the good management of our company.

On the other hand, Torres Ribelles is member of ASOLIVA (Association Spanish exporters of olive oil), established in September 1977, though it already existed under various names since 1928. Its main mission is to promote the export of Spanish olive oil outside our borders.