Preparados y Productos Artesanos La Perla, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Preparados y Productos Artesanos La Perla, S.L.U.
Pol. Ind. La Torrecilla - Alicatadores, Nave 16
14013 Córdoba Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑957298810  
🖷:  +34‑957297944
Dstribucion and marketing of packaged products

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Preparados y Productos Artesanos La Perla, S.L.U.

The craftsmen made Pearl is a young and dynamic company dedicated to the production, distribution and marketing of packaged products refrigerated and frozen, with a clear professional philosophy: continuous innovation in the creation and production of food always based on the highest quality of our raw materials, an innovative elaboration, perfect traceability throughout the process of production and service commitment.

Four premises are those that allow to offer a careful product line for all those who want to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet based on traditional and artisanal cuisine where qualities, textures and flavours always are on main.