Oleoestepa, S.Coop. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Oleoestepa, S.Coop.
El Olivo, s/n - Pol. Ind. Sierra Sur - Apartado 90
41560 Estepa (Sevilla) Spain
☎:  +34‑955913154  
🖷:  +34‑955913537
w:  www.oleoestepa.com

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Oleoestepa, S.Coop.

Oleoestepa Is cream in 1986 with the aim to join the efforts of more than 4.000 olivareros for valorizar and commercialise the Oils of Virgin Olive Extra produced in the 16 almazaras associated, situated in the region of Steppe (Seville) and Bridge Genil (Córdoba).

The Oil of Virgin Olive produced answers to the experience olivarera inherited of parents to children, accredited from does more than 20 centuries in the region.

The singularity and wealth of our floor and the climate of this region, typically Mediterranean but strongly influenciado by the Saw of the Becerrero and Eagle, that divides the south north of our area of influence, is the favourable space for the varieties of olivos here cultured: hojiblancos, manzanillos, picuales and arbequinos.

The variety of olivo “Hojiblanco” is the most cultivated in the region and represents 78% of the more than 6.000.000 of trees, since it answers very well to the floor and climate of the zone, allowing allocate the olives recolectadas well to the prepare or the obtaining of oils.