
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Dudas inteligentes

Smart questions

Much of the difficulties facing the world are due to that the ignorant are completely safe and the intelligent full of doubts. This, that do not say we but the philosopher and essayist Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), is something that one had been sensing, especially in these times where the "this is the case and point" and the absolute certainty about any outburst, truth or lie to exit from a mouththe current formula.

But the mood, the famous tenor, has relevance, because it relates to the desire to move forward. All is beside the point because at work described situations occur with some frequency and, even more so in times of uncertainty and those who lurk, the minds of all should remain open to all kinds of outputs.

Fairs, happy fairs that give so much to talk about, they require much business, especially that usually come to them as exhibitors. And not only we talk about costs, which by itself alone already is a decisive issue, but so are generated in the form of innumerable meetings, discussions, exchanges of views, differing views of how to go to them and with what products and much more. Fairs organizing entities do not make more than defend his own and try to increase their billing, with the weapons that each have. But this gives rise to an international scene that is very difficult to digest for manufacturers of machine tools that Act on the international framework. And here enters us doubts, because we can not go everywhere.

Examples are many, but by not argue with the next thing, we are going to Germany, where the Association of manufacturers of machine tools, the VDW, has recently issued a communiqué which States that "three fairs is sufficient". It has including the EMO (Hanover, September 14-21, 2005) and its two fairs Metav Nord (Düsseldorf, June 20-24, 2006) and Metav Süd (Munich, 4-7 April 2006). But here he collides head-on with another fair in the South of Germany, the AMB in Stuttgart, whose last edition was held last September and which will be held from 19 to 23 September 2006. Metav Süd was attended in his last year with little more than 400 exhibitors and 23,000 visitors. The WBA, with 900 exhibitors and 50,000 visitors.

From the fair in Stuttgart they also think that "three fairs are sufficient," referring to the WBA, the EMO and the Metav Nord. In addition, openly criticize "the attempts of command centralized by associations in a free market economy", in a clear reference to the VDW.

The battle between them is there. Now up to us to decide. We will however carefully. The sentence of Russell does not necessarily imply that doubt is a symptom of intelligence.

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