
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La necesidad de información

The need for information

As a means of communication with a support conventional, but still prevalent, such as a magazine paper, as well as another in cyberspace through our website, the importance we attach to the information, both its content and its continent is obvious. Know more about what is happening in the world from a technological and/or business point of view above all is a factor more in support of growth and the proper orientation of our company. But in addition to the General media or specialized, as all around MetalUnivers and Interempresas, congresses, seminars, days of open doors and fairs are blooming this spring as watered by the need to. Mecof, for example, organized several days during March and April in his first Forum International of manufacturing, with an attendance of important public, who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to see new machines running. DMG also showed their machines in operation at its headquarters in Catalonia, as well as for now a few months, Intermaher and other companies in the sector.

At the same time, the Congress Protodesign also recorded a large number of professionals, relevant data taking into account that it was the first edition of the same. If we cast this in mind the numerous assists with the lack of time itself of most of the people in your professional life, the conclusion leaves no room for doubt: there is a real need to know more, know, see.

And also to share information. To establish an appropriate structure for the exchange of information among workers of a company or between it and its customers and suppliers is an important issue in which new technologies are influencing considerably. The article on the concurrent engineering which this month stars in our section 'networked' are not lost in this regard: "The solution to any problem of design is that coordinate the necessary tools to make the information concerning the product (...)" is available to the design team. And the best way to coordinate this flow of information through computer tools (...). "The situation has reached its point of maximum utility with the addition of Internet-based systems".

Find out more and learn share it, optimizing times and relative priorities, is a factor of success that we want to contribute.

Related Companies or Entities

DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.
Intermaher, S.A.

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