
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La I+D en el 2007

R & d in 2007

The opinion of experienced observers consulted by MetalUnivers in relation to the EMO was quite similar in the presented novelties. Little new, expansion of range, some consolidation of certain trends, but no 'invention' that erice hair only think about how my company could improve if you could use this technology. Yet it should highlight the efforts of many companies to advance and offer an improved service to its customers, more adapted to their needs machines...

We must not, however, noted a worrying. The number of companies who decides to move to countries outside the European Community and, above all, to Asian countries, to reduce their spending is increasing and apparently will remain. We'll get to a time which can make 'any' pieces if you have the appropriate means and in which therefore end customers go beyond where the price is the best. In this circumstance the manufacturers sifted in the most hidden of its potential to remain competitive and in this, probably, the Spaniards and recognized flexibility for adaptation already won passage. Without a doubt, one of the ways to deal with the invasion of the cheap is specialization and location of a niche market that also requires much knowledge. Something that may not be 'any'.

So far many would probably agree. Does and how it is achieved? It is difficult to find a definitive formula, but it is virtually certain that it will contain elements as I work, much work, that we insist on calling know-how, much know-how, technology, innovative technology, and some people involved in the effort. Neither more nor less, no less or more, as it would any thinking mind.

Of course, that this be innovative without investigating is complicated. It is intended in 2007, one of every 1,000 citizens active as researcher. It is a fact that Spain, to search for research is needed in a private investigator: a detective, goes. So imagine to find a researcher!

The research is still large deficit of Spain and their companies, compared to this Europe in which both we want to see reflected in certain aspects. Figure so that the proportion of spending on r & d on Spain GDP in 2001 was 0.96%, truly sad when compared with an average European (EU) of 1.93% and most painful even if us compared to the upper ends: Sweden, 4.27%, Finland, 3.40, Germany, 2,49%, United States, 2.82%. Portugal is only behind Spain.

In this situation, the Government has taken the decision to delay more than three years its target of 1.4% of GDP to r & d and located the achievement of that objective in 2007. Worst is yet to know that a "major part" of those funds is aimed at the chapter's defense.

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