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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las exportaciones andaluzas de aceitunas de mesa crecen durante el primer trimestre

The Andalusian exports of olives of table grow during the first quarter


25 June 2012

Andalucia is the autonomous community that more olives exported to the world during the past year, by a value of 452,6 million euros, three fourth parts of what sells all Spain, according to the reports of Extendto. During the first quarter of the year in course, the Andalusian community already has sold 3,4% more (108 million euros) that during the same period of the past exercise.

Likewise, and by seventh consecutive year, the Council of Economia, Innovation, Science and Employment, through Extenda-Andalusian Agency of External Promotion, collaborates in the strategy of international promotion that realises beside lnteraceituna, the Spanish Institute of External Trade (ICEX) and Extremadura AVANTE, for promocionar the olive of table in the world.

This year the promotional activities will develop in 10 countries: Australia, Slovakia, France, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Russia and Ukraine. Likewise, Extenda will direct especially the actions of promotion in Republica Checa, Hungary and Slovakia with the support of his offices in Prague and Budapest, being Hungary and Slovakia the new strategic markets. The budget to spread internationally the profits of a product 100% Spanish and essential of the Mediterranean diet rises to almost two million euros. The fan of activities of promotion is wide: promotion in the point of sale, acts of public relations like shows gastronomic, culinary workshops or special sendings to media, publishing agreements, presence in international gastronomic fairs, as well as the continuous creation of content in webs, social networks and blogs.

The three basic pillars of the strategy of performance are the promotions in points of sale, the on-line actions in social networks and the public relations headed to the presses.

In this occasion, ICEX and Extenda, and Avante, for the first time, collaborate with Interaceituna for the international promotion of the olives of Spain. From his start in 2006 through ASEMESA, and from 2007 from Interaceituna, the promotional work in the external markets has gone carrying out in an increasing number of countries. Then, the first actions developed in Poland, Mexico, Australia and Russia. In the year 2009, incorporated Ukraine, Czech Republic, France and United Kingdom.

The fan of activities of promotion is wide: promotion in the point of sale, acts of public relations like shows gastronomic, culinary workshops or special sendings to media, publishing agreements, presence in international gastronomic fairs, as well as the continuous creation of content in webs, social networks and blogs.

Promotion of the olive of table in Ukraine, during the past exercise
Promotion of the olive of table in Ukraine, during the past exercise.
According to the reports of Extenda, Andalucia has exported olives to the world by value of 108 million euros during the first quarter of 2012, 3,4% more than during the same period of the past year, that closed with 452,6 million euros in sales. These figures situate to the Andalusian community like the main exporting of olives in Spain, with 75,2% of the national total in 2011; very by in front of Extremadura, second (9,1%), and Valencian Community, third (7,9%).

The main destinations of the Spanish olives are United States, with 32,5%; Italy (10,2%); and Germany, with a (7,5%). By his part, the Andalusian provinces that more olive export to the world are Seville, with 73,8% of the regional total; Córdoba (16,2%); and Málaga, with 4,5%.