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Eat the profile

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/10/2003
When the PVC industry began to suffer from the attacks of the "green power" probably suffered as a whole, but also individually. From companies engaged in producing any type of product in this material until the last of its workers, their future is cuestionarían, they think in alternative ways of earning a living and, in many cases also, some wonder about his health. Over many years is have been saying many things, many of them genuine barbarities, others perhaps not so much but certainly confusing, skillfully entering the game of half-truths, the simplistic arguments focused clearly to get an ID in this material with poor health society. Many studies with scientific basis for the analysis of PVC and its implications for health, from the production process, through its transformation and the use of certain additives, until its disposal or recovery completed their life cycle once have been. The conclusions of these have been often interpreted as final, unfortunately both by its defenders by detractors, contributing more to the feeling that one must believe what you want. But the truth is that there is incontrovertible data and referred to the absolute confidence that the citizen should have on the PVC products that can be found in the market. Not in vain the controls are extremely exhaustive, they also own PVC industry decided long since years acquiring a compromise on a voluntary basis and ensure that processes are clean and healthy. Some of these issues are explained in the special report on this material published in this issue.

However, doubts remain among some consumers. Anyone moderately "green" to eat your profile of person sensitized with the care of the environment. And it's not hard to hear from people totally outside the industry highest of high scientific content as that suggest that PVC is carcinogenic. It is what is this animal environmentally aware to all of us. That does not need data to show radically against, for example, using PVC in house Windows, because the Decalogue of the good green citizen includes PVC (and is only one case among hundreds) between its black beasts. It is certainly difficult to know how that some homes window profile produces cancer over their lifetime. We do not know if one should eat it or if its simple presence you WinCE to one so that it ends up becoming ill. When in doubt, a Council, although it is not standard in this House take this space to this: avoid eating PVC window profiles.

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