
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Pasodesermetrosexual . org

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas01/04/2010

1 April 2010

When it became fashionable of the metrosexual, in the times in which Beckham walked his Palm developed in the London slums by the Iberian streets, the issue of male body shaving began to sink among the male population. Even today there are in favour and against, the and those who cry out in favour of a beautiful with hair, the pecho-lobo of life, or the and those who are more than without-hairs. With the society split between the pro and the anti metrosexualidades of the male gender, without giving us account, we have metrosexualizado my career. Let's see if I can explain. Whereas that with an economy low hours, many industries have opted for projecting an impeccable image, a sculpted body without hair, a flawless speech which has become the English, sunglasses of the police forces of the earlier in the películas… But then, in the "you" to you, the metrosexualidad stays in that, in front. Today is what makes everything, but when one goes through the door of this façade, you want to find something solid. As I click on a printed catalogue on good paper, with an exquisite design, you want to be the same in the real world, i.e. to pass through the first door of the industrial Pavilion where that company. An acquaintance of this multimedia platform metrosexual but with hair on chest and legs are in Interempresas something similar recently explained. "When you buy in China, many times you are buying without knowing much more of that supplier than what you see on the Internet or in a catalog." "You make the mistake of visiting in that it will be your provider then you falls the soul to feet". The Chinese would therefore be following this logic, the more exacerbated industrial metrosexualidad and would lead us to the only possible conclusion: should come up with a or at least move away from the

Of course then there is the other end. The man that repudiates the metrosexualismo, keeps his hair where grows it, has two fingers of forehead, sobrado rationality, sensitivity a Mr right and done. But he can't sell on the market of social relations, moreover, sold seemed an aberration and not to mention already participate in social networks or innovate looking for partner for And this, how not, has its dimension. How many manufacturers know that they have not sold something in your life? Companies used to buy them, because they are good to manufacturing, but without exterior façade, they must begin to look at the English and assess whether it is worth to make them or not… by what might happen.

Friends, between the bluff of the metrosexual and the extreme introversion of the pure man with hair on chest with what is left?

Comments on article / news piece

29/04/2010 13:54:41
Al adquirir un nuevo producto, lo hacemos por un conglomerado de variables, donde aspecto, diseño, precio y funcionalidad, son los más importantes a la hora de decidir. Si el hombre decide, una mujer peluda, desgreñada, en pantuflas, sin afeites, no puede competir con una diosa de catálogo de lencería femenina, por más buen corazón que tenga., en este rubro se impone la fachada, ídem si decide la mujer. En otros productos, además importa la calidad, la marca, la trayectoria, 3 variables que los chinos la soslayan. Nicolás
#3 - Concepció Roca
29/04/2010 11:12:05
Buen artículo, Ibon. Te leía en papel, acabo de descubrir el portal -que por cierto, está muy bien! Un abrazo, Concepció
#2 - Jorge Uribe
19/04/2010 4:50:00
Con los productos chinos pasa lo mismo, son solo apariencia, porque al momento de funcionar dejan ver su interior débil, de mala calidad, grandes solo en aspecto, pequeños de espíritu y funcionalidad. Me quedo con las marcas y calidades de antaño, ESTO LO DIGO POR EXPERIENCIA PROPIA, soy un pequeño empresario de Manizales (Colombia) y he sufrido en carne propia las fallas constantes de los equipos de origen chino. Cordial saludo Atte: Jorge Uribe
#1 - raquel
13/04/2010 9:25:48
yo me quedo con el hombre de pelo en pecho de toda la vida, es más me parece ridículo el metrosexual, siempre y cuando a ese hombre no cometa la desfachatez de exigir la depilación femenina. porque si nos ponemos todos chungos, pues todos a depilarnos y punto. muy bueno el símil. me ha encantado

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