
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at ¡Que levante la mano el que no tenga un amigo homosexual!

You raise your hand that does not have a gay friend!

Ibon Linacisoro. Director07/04/2009

April 7, 2009

In 2009, despite the crisis, any person has already said in its history, ever, have a lot number or at least one friend or gay friend. This is said when one does not want to be labeled anti-gay, and as no one wants to, because we all have a friend or more or a lot of friends gayes, so, in the plural is very rare. The day that the poor gay came out of the closet didn't stop embrace so much and so many friends. Wasn't this to what had been, but we are. Recently, in election campaign, asked a candidate if ever had been unemployed. He said no, but he hastened to say that he had a friend who was unemployed. He walked fast, cannot imagine a candidate who does not have a friend in unemployment or a homosexual friend. These friends is a clear symptom of a more widespread way of being. We believe what others think that we are and we feel more secure in a body of opinion that having our own.

The unemployed friend begins to be so widespread as the homosexual friend. You raise your hand that does not have a gay friend! Buff, very few. Now, that you raise your hand that does not have a gay friend and also does not have a friend in strike! Nothing, or a hand is not seen among the public. Seen so, if you're gay and you're unemployed, your friends list is endless.

As we have changed the national sport and what all is at stake now is to predict the future, the speculation about the number of unemployed will are endless. Overall, it's free: five million, four and a half, five and a half... the case is speaking, or writing. With these figures, of truth, which does not have a friend in unemployment will be a rare type. We really need is an uncle in America coming out of the closet, but leave with a few bags of these plastic black, full of banknotes. Ahhh, the guy that lost all hope, will be where? There was a time in which many people dreamed of this unknown uncle who went to the Americas, unmarried, without anybody who leave their wealth rather than his original family, that of here. Now we dream of the uncle from America and we put face and eyes, to name. He is called Obama, and you imagine opening the closet from within, with a kick, smiling, with extended hands and two bags black clasped tickets and, above all, with the idea, the great idea to get out of it. Our Black friend.

You raise your hand you do not want a homosexual friend, a friend in unemployment or a black friend!

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