
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El polímero de Calímero

The polymer of Calímero

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/03/2007
Being Calímero a lively live entertained to a certain generation of current inhabitants of the planet Earth. Caracterizábase our friend Calímero (this journal has been allowed the right to change the accent to this name for the sake of a more fluid verse) for their victimizing attitude, his sad gesture and its way of addressing the issues: always sad, always victim. But Calímero came out victorious in all of comics, with his helmet of eggshell, with her sad eyes, which should make to think to the polymer, because almost a way of life is already this lastimera attitude to the circumstances. The truth is that the Spanish plastics industry years fixing them to find their way, there are many who are surprised by the rapid development of this industry in Spain. But the complaint, the feeling of disaster, the theory of the black hand against us is already so marked between the inhabitants of the planet Spain the very same Calímero would be optimistic against the polymer industry. A totally optimistic speech was heard not in the best years. But if the future is plastics! If the very same Calímero would have opted for a polymer for the protection of his head instead of the helmet of eggshell that nature gave him. Nature was wise arrived polymers. The polymer of the town of Calímero already would have meanwhile improved considerably and is now stronger, leaner, more fire-resistant. Who knows if it would incorporate heart rate monitor, rear-view mirror with anti-fog, and even, why not, the PS3, the latest PlayStation which has already reached Spain. Calímero, with the polymer, would have won many integers.

Not only him. Every time someone throws something revolutionary, provided that there are queues in shops, which is containing that precious content, a PS3, for example, is one, two or a lot of polymers. What is the command of a gizmo of these? Plastic. How many components of plastic does the command or the team itself? No idea. But surely that many. And above all, would all of this possible without polymers? So difficult. And this "all for the plastic" is used to guess a promising future. It must not make Calímero, that not took advantage of its polymer, to be successful in their eagerness to impress pessimism, which does not darken the prospects. As we have already concluded on other occasions, long life to the polymer, without Calímero.

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