
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cien números despiertos

One hundred awake numbers

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/02/2005
With this there are now 100. Bearing in mind that for many years plastic universal he edited every two months, the presence of this medium in the Spanish market of plastics is already almost the category of historical, because this first issue of the year 2005 is the 100th. And that what is down? Well, then certainly in anything, because this is not one of these so-called special numbers in which one likes to recreate with their own strengths. It is simply a number. A new edition of plastics universal with the same purpose as any other, inform professionals in the plastics sector and raise issues which may serve to everyone when it comes to purchasing a computer, a specific technical problem or rationalize the management of the companylooking for even the appropriate tax solutions. Us we did not want to look inward, rather give out what can serve someone. Special number 100 of plastics universal is that, unlike that in the tale of sleeping beauty, where a Prince had to kiss her to wake up after 100 years of forced dream, us has not had to come no one to wake us up. Eyes peeled, motivated senses, the search for the interesting thing is what has been guided and guide to the medium, both in its print and electronic, and what it has positioned itself in the first place in our country, with the maximum audience, the largest volume of advertising, and, of course, information.

Plastic universal 100 includes, among others, an interesting article based on the round table made with almost all of the suppliers of injectors in our country. Gathered by this magazine in the Spanish Center of plastic, they expressed their views on the situation in a changing industry that necessarily should opt for the technology. They can read you on page 40.

In the farewell, this Yes let us take on the topic on these occasions and thank, thank you, dear reader, your faithfulness and interest in our media. And friend Prince, our apologies for your long vacant journey.

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