
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aprovechar las virtudes

Take advantage of the virtues

Recently have been known the machine tool sector data, provided by the AFM Association after a commendable work done for many years and that it puts this partnership in a position very active, especially when compared with otherof dubious effectiveness and existence more than open to criticism. The thing is loose. The low increase in the value of production (+ 0.1 per cent) during 2004 over the previous year places it in a period of stagnation. It is not new things, especially in the chip startup section, where the activity not just boot, forgive the repetition, or at least not just make the volumes that we all would like. This data is complicated when deciding if be optimistic or pesimitas. Because it turns out that the apparent consumption of machine tools in Spain, that increased satisfactorily, in little more than 6 percent, what comes to mean, that Spanish companies are Yes investing in machinery. But Spanish manufacturers have lost weight in foreign countries, have seen falling exports in a panorama of extreme competition and that its production will not start. This lead to the Spanish manufacturer to pay more attention to the domestic market, and here comes the question, has had put more machines in 2004, but at the same time it has been able to register a loss of market share. The average growth of Cecimo countries has been rather than the Spanish. In a poll conducted by AFM in its main markets, Spanish machines have not gone wrong stops, but we are required to more technology. Data aside, seems questionable that we are faced with a complicated picture. But we must also remember that over the years will have predicted many times disaster to then not have been. Spanish manufacturer known exploit its virtues and thus has always shown it.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Máquinas-herramienta, Accesorios, Componentes y Herramientas, AFM

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