Morte, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Morte, S.A.
Bernat Metge, 27
08205 Sabadell (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑937108951  
🖷:  +34‑937105699

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Morte, S.A.

Our history, our philosophy D.cada the manufacture craft of high Delicatessen products for over 65 years.

Our history, our philosophy D. Francisco Morte, after a long experience in deli, founded in Cerdanyola del Vallès (BCN) their own business. With his wife, Mrs. Mª Teresa Valls, elaborate traditional Catalan typical products.
The factory in Sabadell was inaugurated in 1981 to respond to new needs.
The factory in Sabadell was inaugurated in 1981 to respond to the new sausage necesidades.tros. With the help of international craftsmen are pioneers in the development of Italian specialties (mortadella Bologna), French (pâté, Mousse and Duck/Goose foie gras), German (Frankfurt sausages and Bratwurst, Schinkenwurst, Lomo style Saxony).

The factory in Sabadell was inaugurated in 1981 to respond to new needs. Sabadell is increased production, cooling and storage, rooms as well as administration offices. Also is committed to technological change with the purchase of more modern machinery and improvements in production, packaging and dispatch systems, giving rise to an improvement both in the quality of the product and its presentation. As a result of these changes was granted the certification of our products for sale in the EEC. In 1984 Morte sees rewarded their efforts receiving the gold medal at the international quality of canned food.

In the mid-1990s, already with the second generation in the business, and with the aim of advancing the quality of our products and meet the demand of our customers and consumers, was working the cleanroom, destined to the sterile packaging of the most sensitive products, and created the laboratory of quality control which allowed greater control of all ingredients, products and processes.
Morte has eliminated since March 2007 and all their product ingredients that may contain gluten.l and bronze, Promo, made Christmas campaign mode.
Morte has eliminated since March 2007 and all their product ingredients that may contain gluten.idad and obtained certification in the manufacture, marketing and design of processed meat according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard.
Morte has been removed since March 2007 and all their product ingredients that may contain gluten.
Morte has been removed since March 2007 and all their product ingredients that may contain gluten. of possibilities, from the most typical cured sausage and smoked sausages, the pates and foie gras of high quality to the precooked meats and the latest whims, which combine all kinds of possibilities in presentation to suit all the needs of customers.

Morte has been removed since March 2007 and all their product ingredients that may contain gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in the seed of many cereals combined with starch. People who have gluten intolerance are gluten-free calls, and this disease affects 1 in every 150 people.